Do it

57 Helicopter

First we blindfold you.
Then put you in a Helicopter and fly around for a couple of hours.
We land, undo your blindfold, give you a map and some money.
You’re in a village somewhere. The people speak your language.


What’s the first thing you do? (Play the game! Play the game!)


Right. Find out where you are.


And the next thing? (Play the game!)


Right again. Figure out where you want to go, in relation to where you are.


Then set out to go there.


However there’s one thing missing in this simple scenario.
The step between finding where you are and where you want to go.


It’s simple yet critical:
Accepting that you are there. And not somewhere else!


People believe they have no problem because they only drink a little, are only a bit lazy, or only lose their temper occasionally or, …well, you get the idea!
These people think they’re in a certain place and proceed to head in a direction that, if this were true, would get them where they want to go.


For those things simply not working — just verify that you, first and foremost, actually are where you think you are in that subject. Quite often that’s what needs changing. Nothing else.


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  1. Interesting thoughts–very much worth considering. I enjoy reading your ongoing emails.

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