If you do something you don’t like to do, you’ll invariably fail at it.
If you succeed you end up doing even more of what you don’t want!
This creates conflict among your filters /programs so you end up neutral. (Read: NON effective)
To determine if what you’re doing is purely for money, ask yourself:
“If I were wealthy would I be here, doing this?”
If the answer is NO, you are doing it for money.
I even asked myself this waiting at a traffic light (on a rainy day in Vancouver about 35 years ago!) I remember to this day: “Yes, I would be here doing this. Because I want to get the results of this effort, I’ll pay the price of this activity.”
So you see the answer is not as simple as it seems.
IF all I’m doing is for money, then I won’t get it. (Reality check: Have you?)
However if it’s a necessary step to get what I truly want, I’ll do it.
That’s the other part of wealth. Being willing to do whatever it takes to get where you want, knowing when you get there, you do NOT have to repeat what you did to get there.
That simple question, “If I were wealthy would I be here, doing this?” asked in every situation, on every occasion, is a ‘trigger’ to clarify your wants and needs regarding wealth.
It speeds your success.
These are related:
28 Getting What I Want! – 43 Desire – 44 After – 50 Limits – 58 Needs – 73 Killing Frogs
74 Dictating Your Miracle – 82 Limitations – 98 Third Time
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