Do it

496 Invisible

Your everyday life fine tunes itself, invisibly.

Price of gasoline (petrol) dips a bit? No problem,

just have an extra coffee that day. There, perfectly neutralized.

Price of vegetables go up, fine, just buy the other/cheaper ones.

“I’ve been meaning to give these a try.”


Micro adjustments keep us where we are, invisibly.


Ok, so?

Do you want to be where you are.

In finances,

In relationships,

In body weight,

At work, etc.


If not, why are you still there after all this time?

Because you ignore the ‘invisible’ – normally an ideal thing to do – but not in the area you want to alter.

The subtlety of the situation can be overcome:

A) Once you understand and accept that you caused it,

B) Then by counter application of invisible micro adjustments you always apply to everything you do.


These Doodles are specifically chosen with this invisibility in mind:


# 46 Always47 Gold Stamps49 Sharks50 Limits – 73 Killing Frogs

82 Limitations117 Gold Mine283 How To DO It

301 How to Stop405 Become Unsane413 Self Defense


Say, I hope you are not dismissing these as too simple to be effective.

It’s your micro-actions that have brought you here.

Invisible and effective.



It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.
