Do it

200 Headaches Part 2

Why not try this one before you dismiss it?

Non-traditional does not automatically mean non-effective!


Here is another way to get rid of headaches without resorting to chemicals or pills.


Mental Doodle #  56 stated:

With the onset of a headache drink 2 8oz (235 ml) glasses of water back-to-back.

When that much water is not available do this:

(This way works by using your ‘imagination‘ ability.)


Think about the headache that you do have:

What color is it? (Imagine a color!)

What size/shape is it? (Invent a shape)

What does it smell like? (Play the game = Get the results)


Once you’ve done this, you start over.


Color What color do you need to add to make it more neutral. Do so now.

What is the resulting (new) color?


Size/Shape Take a hammer and smash it into little pieces.

Place those pieces into a bag and throw the bag away-from-yourself.


Smell What smell can you add to make it more pleasant. Do so now.

What is the resulting smell?


By now your headache should be considerably smaller, if not gone!


Go through this cycle once more.

Add a color to the existing color and see the new color.

Smash whatever is left and throw it away-from-you.

Add a smell to neutralize the existing smell.


This really works. But only when you actually…



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# 6 Feed Yourself –  11 Feedback –  56 Headaches

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