Do it

172 Sky or Steel?

Two people in jail.

One says “Just look at that sky.”

The other says “Why bother. We’re in jail. Can’t you see the steel bars?”


“Oh, I see them alright.

But if all I do is look at the steel bars then I have no reason to get out of here.

When I focus on the sky, I constantly remind myself there is a sky beyond those bars.

This focus gives me the reason & energy to get out of where I am.”


Sound too simple?


These are related:

# 7 Disaster 10 Progress It 13 Changing Change 28 Getting What I Want!

29 Who’s in Charge? 32 Red Light, Green Light 58 Needs 87 Barriers

102 Response-ability136 Beggars & Alcoholics 149 The End 168 Creating Desire

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