Do it

195 Four Stages

We all go through these steps and in this order:

1. Un-conscious In-competence

You don’t know that there is something to which you don’t know how /what to do.

As a baby you are not aware of your shoes, your shoe laces, and the fact that you can’t tie them.


2. Conscious In-competence

You become aware there is something to which you don’t know what /how to do.

You now realize you have shoes and realize you don’t know how to tie the laces.


3. Conscious Competence

You learn to do whatever it is.

Tongue in cheek you concentrate very hard and after trial and error you succeed in tying them.


4. Unconscious Competence

You don’t pay any attention to whatever you are doing and you can do it.

You tie your shoelaces without even thinking about it.



1. Ignorance is bliss.

2. Source of encouragement. Now you know there’s something you never knew. At least you are now aware of it.

3. Source of self confidence. See, I can do it. I can learn. Etc.

4. Source of nothing. Talent lives here. You ‘automatically’…


To increase your self confidence bring #4 into # 3 and look.

And see that you do actually know what to do in these situations.

Not “Phew, somehow I pulled that off. Again.”


Bringing  #4 into # 3 will increase your self confidence.



To reinforce this read any two below:

# 47 Gold Stamps – 64 Natural Talents – 85 Babies – 96 Habits – 98 Third Time – 99 Perfection! – 113 Success

121 Carrot & Stick – 123 Ignorance – 130 Collecting Solutions – 159 Make a Mistake

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