Do it

385 Stress and Distress

First the obvious:

Stress is needed and useful in your life.

Now the not-so-obvious:

Distress is the single biggest contributor to shorten your life.

Centenarians (people 100+ years old) overwhelmingly cite being able to effectively cope with Distress, as the MAJOR common denominator to their long, healthy lives.


“The usual recommendations—not smoking, not drinking, plenty of exercise, a well-balanced diet, keeping your weight down— do not apply to centenarians. They are in a class of their own.” Nir Barzilai, Institute for Aging Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York


Dr. Barzilai reports of the 500 centenarians surveyed, when at age 70:

* 45 % were overweight or obese

* 37 % smoked (an average of 31 years!)

* 64 % did only moderate or no exercise


Another Major study (68,222 adults for 14 years) determined a clear association between psychological distress and major causes of mortality. A considerably raised risk of mortality was evident, even at low levels of distress. BMJ 2012;345:e4933


OK, so?

There are many ways to effectively reduce Distress.

These 22 are specifically chosen to help you do this.


You only wish that reading one Doodle once would do it!

It’s the subconscious cross-indexing of selected different Doodles that

’side-steps‘ your filters to give you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one


# 7 Disaster – 10 Progress It – 13 Changing Change – 14 Eliminating Triggers

17 Impossible Decisions – 18 Being Triggered40 So What!45 Problems

96 Habits121 Carrot & Stick194 F. E. A. R.197 Obstacles, Your Key to Success

234 Triggers253 Just-in-Case256  99 is Fine257 Unknown297 Circles & Spirals

314 Almost318 Thoughtful Ransoms329 Seriously335 Stress341 Possible vs Probable

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