Do it

164 20%

It takes only 20% of your time to learn 80% of almost anything.

And 80% of your time to learn the last 20%.

An expert = someone who learns the last 20%.



80% of the knowledge /expertise gives you only 20% of the money.

People usually stop there. And call that life.

And somehow think that to earn a lot more, you must do a lot more.

Seems logical.


But it’s not true!


Because almost everyone stops there, society is based on that.

So a little more gives you a lot more. (Tipping Factor)

Become one of the 20% who continue and earn 80% of the money.


20% more ‘calls’ gives you 80% more results.

20% more exercise,

20% less food

20% more sleep


20% … not that much when you think about it.


Same with Family & friends.

Put 20% more into everything you do for 21 days and watch the change in you (and others!)



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# 1 Ferris Wheel – 32 Red Light, Green Light 50 Limits – 58 Needs

82 Limitations – 96 Habits – 107 Iron

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