Do it

1 Ferris Wheel


Imagine life is a Ferris Wheel.


However, you get ‘paid’ only after it goes around.


Whatever you load onto the Wheel will be profitable only after the wheel has gone round.


People, after doing some work or expending some effort, step back and expect immediate results.
In some things, your Wheel is small and results come ‘quickly’.
A manual laborer gets paid at the end of the same day.


But what about those things that never seem to pay off?
That’s where you have to imagine a ‘larger’ Ferris Wheel.


Most times you don’t get results with the first phone call, the first visit or the first interaction
That’s when to keep feeding the Wheel!
No results ‘today’ proves you didn’t feed the Wheel ‘yesterday’.
Don’t use ‘no results’ as the reason to not feed it today.
That’s self-fulfilling:
Because I didn’t feed the wheel yesterday I have no results today.
Because I have no results today why bother to feed the wheel.


Feed your Wheel!


It’s a cross-index of select different Doodles
to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one

# 3 Cumulative Knowledge – 7 Disaster –  20 Gift of Knowledge

21 Interpretation – 31 Being at-Cause –  32 Red Light, Green Light

67 Personal Nag – 73 Killing Frogs – 88 Will Power


  1. Thanks George,
    Your “doodles” are quite thought provoking, entertaining and just plain fun. I like your positive spin on things…right on!


  2. This one is my all time favourite. It demonstrates that we need to be in constant and consistent action to achieve our desired results.

  3. i love

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