Do it

88 Will Power

We all have will power.
What we need is will power to exercise our will power.
That we don’t always have.


I can diet. I have dieted. What I don’t have is the will power to start another one.
However once started I’m OK for a while, because I do have will power.


So what I really need is to sneak up on myself and set into motion whatever it takes to make sure I get to the point where I can exercise the will power I do have.
And that happens one fine day when I’m full of good intentions towards myself.


A good start, yet why do I so easily fail /quit. Again.
THAT’s where you deliberately appoint /install a personal short-term NAG.
A person who’d enjoy reminding you to do what you said you would.
That’s your ongoing will power to prompt the will power you do have.
Also a lot of 3 x 5 cards with an END date. ALL over the place!


You are more likely to do it if you have a NAG and can see an END date.



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67 Personal Nag85 Babies91 Dieting103 Ring/Knock (Part 2)

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