Do it

91 Dieting

Diets work or a zillion people would not be on them.
And there are a zillion different ones.
So take advantage!


Try the South Beach diet for a week-less-a-day
Then Indulge. Anything you want on that one day off!
Then do a different diet for one week-less-a-day
Then, you guessed it, indulge for one day.
Then yet a different diet (Zone, Suzanne Summers, Atkins, Grapefruit, whatever)


Repeat with four different diets for four weeks total.
You’ll have fun, learn about different diets and lose a lot of weight in that month!


The difference, variety, once-a-week indulgence and non-boredom is what causes almost everyone to do it for the whole month.



These are related:

1 Ferris Wheel –  3 Cumulative Knowledge16 Follow Up – 29 Who’s in Charge?

30 Ever-changing Relationships 35 One + One = Two!44 After –  45 Problems

55 Oxygen – 56 Headaches67 Personal Nag –  72 Technique –  73 Killing Frogs

88 Will Power89 Initiating –  96 Habits –  97 Variety – 102 Response-ability

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