A villager finds a large chunk of Iron.
He asks the Wise man what to do with it.
The Wise man replies, “Well, if you take a couple of days and sell it, you get enough money to live for a week. However, if you take time to make it into Horseshoes, you can live for a year. Or make it into needles and live well the rest of your life.”
What you get is nowhere near as important as what you decide to make of it.
Something is staring you in the face you’re not seeing.
Are you looking for something someone else spent a lot of time making and expect the same results they get from their work?
Time to look for something with the most potential and make those needles!
These are related:
# 1 Ferris Wheel – 5 Decision – 21 Interpretation – 37 Or Its Equivalent – 50 Limits
102 Response-ability – 106 Plan B – 117 Gold Mine – 128 And-And
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