Do it

145 NO Feedback

See how quickly your eyes skipped over the blank space between the title and this line.


There you just did it again!


We are so used to looking for ‘something’ etc. that when we don’t get it we look elsewhere.
We also ‘need’ feedback so much it drives us to modify our actions.


So, like skipping the blank lines (and forgetting you’re doing that!)
you are unconsciously manipulated by NO Feedback.


I was really mad at a person about placing orders for some crucial production.
While I was speaking in a very angry tone that person literally did not move at all. Not a twitch.
Sooo, what could I do? They were not resisting. Nor were they denying. Nor excusing themselves.
They were just giving


NO Feedback. No reinforcement.
(Like automatically skipping blank lines.)

So whenever you are in a situation you don’t want to continue, just


give NO feedback. And it will stop.


Don’t turn away, that’s feedback.
Don’t ignore, that’s feedback.


Just become blank.


Absolutely blank.
And whatever is going on will stop much faster & without the other person being aware of it.
The harder it is to be blank, the more effective it obviously is, otherwise why would it be hard to do.


(Skipped again?)



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