You don’t know what you want!
To a 7 year old, ‘paradise’ is more Ice Cream
To a 17 year old, more girls. And so on.
You only know what you want ‘now’.
(Mentioning everything you could ever possibly want just takes too long.)
Yet there is a Law Of Attraction!
Take advantage of that Law without getting trapped in it:
First outline what you want in great detail. The more detail = the faster you get it.
Ideally, repeat at the same time each day and involve as many of your senses as you can. What does your ‘desire’ look like, smell like, taste (!) like, feel like and so on.
Then after you have done this, make sure to say “Or its Equivalent“
Given the proven complexity of your Subconscious Mind, do this in enough detail, involve as many senses as you can, and it will easily figure out what you mean by what you’re asking for. (It’s your mind, after all!)
What you get will be similar in ‘satisfaction’ to what you currently want.
Remember the 7 yr old and the 17 yr old want the same thing: Satisfaction.
They just express it based on the age /understanding they are at that time.
These are related:
20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge – 28 Getting What I Want! – 43 Desire – 44 After – 45 Problems
58 Needs – 63 Free Will – 66 Opposites – 74 Dictating Your Miracle – 79 Truth Time
gracias a Dios