Do it

400 Tick Tock

They put 12 large Grandfather clocks in a room.

Eleven were started at exactly the same time. Tick.

One was started (Tick) when the others were at Tock.

Everyone left the room.


Soon the one somehow altered (adjusted?) itself (!)

Then all twelve were in sync. In resonance.


OK, so?

The dominance of your thoughts in any one subject literally causes other thoughts 

in that same subject to alter /adjust such that they become in sync with the majority.


After all, if grandfather clocks can and do adjust themselves automatically…

You can, and do this yourself. Automatically.


Again, so?

Well, if you continuously think that it’s not possible, not true, not so, etc. 

Then you disturb the automatic mechanism. You didn’t leave the room.


Leave the room.


Too easy?


Those below are specifically chosen to help you understand this phenomena.


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles

to side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 87 Barriers


11 Feedback66 Opposites113 Success137 Easier Solutions 

145 NO Feedback157 Self Assembly170 Micro Steps176 “1-2-3”

188 Better Business237 Let Go!245 Go Fishing362 Physical

380 No Change392 Remember Group B

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