Do it

126 Red Light

At a red light why don’t you turn your motor off?
Technically you’d save gasoline (Petrol).
In actuality however, it’s a bad decision.
Aside from wear and tear on your starter motor, you use up a lot of time when the light is green ‘getting ready’.
When you encounter a situation in life where you cannot make progress you usually stop trying until something comes up or changes and then you try again.
And that’s why you don’t always get what you want!
Never turn the motor off. Even when you apparently cannot make any progress.
Many years ago (1967!) on my way from one appointment to another I picked up a hitchhiker (Auto-stop) and gave him my talk. Of course he didn’t join my group, however for some reason, when I did give my talk to someone who could join, they did. And people commented on how ‘high’ my closing rate was.
I just never turn my motor off at a red light.



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