Do it

494 Tired Power

We are encouraged to use our personal Willpower to overcome, …whatever.


And, all too often we do so for a bit of time, then we ‘fail’.

We believe our Willpower fails us.

And we blame ourself for this. As if Willpower has an infinite capacity.


You do actually get tired exercising your Willpower.

Willpower does deplete as you use it.

(Over 1,200 studies agree, since Roy Baumeister’s initial 1998 Radish experiment)


Ok, so?

Deliberately include some sort of ‘pause-to-rejuvenate’ in your use of Will Power:

– Diet for six days, indulge (Pause) for one day. Repeat as needed. (# 91)

– Study for a specific amount of time. Pause for a specific amount of time. Repeat.

– Exercise for a set time. Pause, repeat.



You don’t have poor Willpower, you have…

Tired Power.



It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


If you Read only one more: # 94  Increasing Vitality


55 Oxygen88 Will Power168 Creating Desire