Do it

61 Styles

Different people have different styles of behavior.
We constantly are annoyed at how they are and /or how they approach things.
Here are two simple categories you can quickly place people in.
Knowing this, anticipate they will be this way and relax a bit.


Robot / Idiot
Robots are mechanical, logical, neat, orderly, groomed, always presentable and so on.
Idiots are loose, idiotic, relaxed, easy going, casual, sloppy and rarely tidy.


Turtle / Hare (Rabbit)
Turtles are slow, steady, plodding, reliable, safe, make even progress, consistent, start things at the beginning.
Hares sleep in, leave things to the last minute, rush, miss stuff, cram for exams, and always barely make it.


Your children are one of these, so are your parents, friends, and fellow employees. Everyone!


Identify what style each falls into. Then relax.


That’s just the way they are.
They’re not good or bad, right or wrong.
They are just being themselves.


Allow them to be the way they are and suddenly you will be less bothered by them.



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