Do it

231 Statement

A statement is a close-ended thing.

“I can’t do this.”


A question is open-ended.

‘Why can’t I do this?’


“I don’t know how to.”

‘How do I learn to?’


One keeps you where you are, the other gets you where you want to go.

“This is my best.”

“How can I improve?”


“I’ve had enough.”

‘How can I learn to do more?’


Of course if you are happy where you are, a statement is fine.

If not, next time change it into a question.



To reinforce this read any two below:

# 5 Decision 10 Progress It! 79 Truth Time 87 Barriers 177 I Know

181 Problem Solving #2 183 Magician 189 Twin 195 Four Stages

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