I am not as comfortable with you as I’d like to be.
Oh, why is that?
Well, you sort of act like a stranger to /with me.
Hmmm, how so?
Well, you never let me know what you really think.
You always seem to stop short of just telling me your real thoughts.
Well, you may not always like me if I did.
OK, …still, I’d know whenever I appreciate your thoughts /personality,
I’m appreciating you and not just society’s dictates.
It takes courage to say what you really think.
On ‘America Idol’ one judge said what he really thought, not what others expected him to say.
(Total revenues estimated over $11 billion!)
He eventually left the show (after 8 years) and many wondered whether the show would survive without him.
For saying what he really thought.
A ship is safest in harbor, but that’s not the purpose of a ship.
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# 27 Responses – 40 So What! – 71 Nice – 110 Nothing – 116 Facade
146 Always Right – 202 Compliments
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