Do it

36 Prime Time

Here is a guarantee of sadness and failure: try to ‘look young‘ your whole life.
As if that were the only value you had/held.
As if that were your only importance.
Oh, let’s not invite so-and-so to lunch, after all they look ‘old’.


In real human terms, we have several Primes through our Lives.


Growth Prime         0 — 15 yrs old
Physical Prime      15 — 30 yrs old
Mental Prime        30 — 45 yrs old
Emotional Prime  45 — 60 yrs old
Wisdom Prime      60 — 75 yrs old
Spiritual Prime    75 +


Keep this in mind with the inexorable onset of wrinkles (for women, not men!) and hair loss (for men, not women!).
If you think /believe you are only Physical, you care very much to maintain that illusion. However if you consider yourself more than Physical, allow yourself the satisfaction of the other Primes.


Certainly I like the idea of looking at a pretty face /body.
I also like the idea of speaking to someone bright.
As well as learning from someone, something I didn’t know.


After a while, who would you rather return to?
After a while, who would you choose to interact with? Invite to lunch?


‘After a while’ is my whole point.
Today ends at midnight. Tomorrow becomes today  … which ends at midnight.


You have many Primes, Physical being only one of them!



These are related:

3 Cumulative Knowledge12 Change20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge22 Attitude

25 How Old Are You?30 Ever-changing Relationships35 One + One = Two!

37 Or Its Equivalent50 Limits59 Hesitation60 Patterns61 Styles64 Natural Talents

78 Process79 Truth Time85 Babies86 Don’t Be Yourself93 Heaven & Hell

98 Third Time100 Ransom Notes

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