Do it

93 Heaven & Hell

Eternity is a long time.
A bird lands on a granite mountain once every thousand years.
By the time it’s worn down, it’s the first second of eternity.
Because Eternity is a long time!


Say a teenager does extremely nasty things (steals, rapes, beats up people etc.) and, when asked, agrees that he is evil. And he’s fine with that! Then a bullet kills him in a shoot-out. According to many religions he would go to Hell. For Eternity.


But if he’s only wounded, a hospital would fix him up.
And, say there’s some spare ‘social’ money available to spend on him.
Soon he’d become aware that his background caused him to be the way he was.
And with more social money he’d develop his skills.
Then he’d express himself creatively and not violently.
Now a stray bullet strikes him dead.


Would he then, according to these very same religions, go to Heaven? For Eternity?


So a minor amount of money spent is the difference between Heaven and Hell.
For Eternity.


I have a problem with this! You?



These are related:

1 Ferris Wheel –  3 Cumulative Knowledge –   7 Disaster –  11 Feedback – 12 Change13 Changing Change

14 Eliminating Triggers – 18 Being Triggered – 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge21 Interpretation – 24 The Wedge

27 Responses – 29 Who’s in Charge? – 30 Ever-changing Relationships –  33 Solving a 5 –  37 Or Its Equivalent

54 Self –  66 Opposites –   67 Personal Nag –  73 Killing Frogs – 74 Dictating Your Miracle – 75 Same

77 Nine Cows –  79 Truth Time – 86 Don’t Be Yourself! –  90 Good/Bad96 Habits102 Response-ability


  1. Re: Heaven/Hell. The problem is that you seem to think you can earn your way to heaven. Christ earned it—you must only believe it. It is a free gift.

  2. Yes! For quite some time.

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