Do it

18 Being Triggered

“He makes me nervous,” said the Salesman, entering the boss’s office.
“Hmmm,” said the secretary, “He doesn’t make me nervous.”
Meanwhile the boss is on the phone and doesn’t realize they’re in his office!


Nobody ‘makes’ you anything.
You choose to respond that way.
Maybe once you were influenced to feel that way, but you continue it with parents, friends, coworkers, etc.


The less you are triggered = the closer that person is to you.
The better the friend, the lower the expectations/triggers you have.
Or silently ‘expect’ from them.


Use your eyes and ears to see / hear what is actually going on.
You will be surprised how much has changed. (Notably you!)


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one

11 Feedback 14 Eliminating Triggers 54 Self69 Labels 96 Habits

100 Ransom Notes


  1. This one is good.
    If I remain in the present, I can then choose how to react or even better to just be.

    thanks George!

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