Do it

271 Pedestals

The more you consider someone a Hero the higher the pedestal you place them on.

The higher the pedestal, the less room they have to move.

Soon your greatest hero is on the highest pedestal and cannot move at all.


A couple of friends were gathered.

At one point someone was upset by one word said.

His response was “Why do you put me on a pedestal so high you are upset over one word I say.”


Someone you know and respect makes a silly mistake and that lowers them in your eyes.

Lowers them from what to what?

Think of an ordinary person doing exactly the same thing. That’s OK.

Why then is it “not OK” for everyone to do the very same thing.

Because you have come to expect ‘more’ from that person.


Well because they are … and then you mention something they truly are good at.

As if that explains why they must be good at everything.

Pedestal time.


When do you realize your parents are simply human beings?

Or your leaders? Religious or otherwise.


Rather than place a Hero back on a pedestal, accept them for who they are.



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