Do it

92 Strength

What’s ‘stronger’ than a perfectly built fortress that needs 500 people to defend it.
One that requires only 100 people to effectively defend it.
And stronger still, only 1 person to defend it.


So far so good.


Now consider a fortress so strong the owner /builder spends his time with the attackers trying to find a weakness in his construct.
(And when he does, he repairs it.)


Rather than not daring to look and see if there are any weaknesses to his fortress /thinking.


Sometimes we are so very busy defending our thoughts /beliefs we just don’t see the gross error implicit in the very fact that we need to defend.


Attack your beliefs instead of defending them. And grow by leaps and bounds.



These are related:

3 Cumulative Knowledge –  7 Disaster11 Feedback22 Attitude – 35 One + One = Two!

78 Process –  79 Truth Time83 Being Wrong – 84 The Communication Process –   85 Babies

86 Don’t be Yourself! – 89 Initiating –  90 Good/Bad –  98 Third Time –  99 Perfection!

100 Ransom Notes –  102 Response-ability

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