Do it

178 Before & After

When do you dust your house?

Cut your hair?

After they need it.

You always wash your hands after you need to.

After they get dirty.

Not before.


OK, so?

Some things are better done before.

Like with dirty hands, the cumulative is slow but absolute. (#73 Killing Frogs)


As with any decision, your options automatically cancel themselves as time goes by. The idea is to make a decision before there are no options left.

After: you are forced to accept.

Before: you can choose.


Think of an important thing you’ve been putting off. (As usual!)

Now make a decision.

Before you absolutely must.

And before all options are gone.



These are related:

5 Decision 17 Impossible Decisions 134 Sand Bags & Bricks 137 Easier Solutions

152 Just Do It 159 Make a Mistake

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