If you give credit when people do something that merits credit, they stay with you.
Not think they are better and leave you.
You’re the only one who gives them credit – and they know that –
they’d find themselves cut off from credit if they went anywhere else.
Because most people don’t give others credit.
They keep it for themselves.
We all compute what-you-say as compared to what-others-say to us that day, the days before, and the days after.
And we note that we have not changed all that much when we are with you,
yet we seem to be getting a lot more “benefit of the doubt” and a lot more ‘good feeling’ when we are with you. (Also therefore, no swelled head.)
So we can easily see that this is the way you are and not necessarily the way we are.
IE: I did not change all that much when I am with you but my credit level did rise.
So I’m sticking with you.
Works with: employees, husbands, wives, children, friends, associates, neighbors, etc.
These are related:
# 1 Ferris Wheel – 11 Feedback – 115 Give, Get – 117 Gold Mine – 121 Carrot & Stick – 213 Rockets
good idea im gonna try it