I sit at the annual meeting. This time it’s Bongo drums. Each year they try a different thing. (Did I mention this time it’s Bongo … [Read more...]
60 Patterns
When you look at someone or something, what exactly do you see? Or more to the point, what do you NOT see! In … [Read more...]
123 Ignorance
If I want something and don’t see it and walk on, I am Ignorant. If I want something and do see it and walk on, then I’m … [Read more...]
130 Collecting Solutions
People wish they had less problems. Yet, you've never, ever rid yourself of problems. Not one! What you do is add solutions. You still … [Read more...]
193 Seeing Red
Look around and take note of everything that’s red. (Play the game = get the results!) Remember as many red things as possible. (Just do … [Read more...]
195 Four Stages
We all go through these steps and in this order: 1. Un-conscious In-competence You don’t know that there is something to which you … [Read more...]
247 Yesterday
"Oh, you are so very cruel saying things like that!" As she stormed away. That evening I told my wife the things she said that day. And … [Read more...]
251 A Rough Diamond
What does a rough diamond look like? Do you know? I don't. A man sold his Homestead and wandered the world to return one day only … [Read more...]
259 Don’t Stop
You don't know where to go or what to do next. So you stop and try to figure it out. Yet from where you are now you can't … [Read more...]
277 Water on Floor
Wow! What happened here?Well, as you can see, I have water all over the floor of my recreation room. Can you help me clean it up?Sure.And he … [Read more...]
322 Prayer
Prayer usually means negotiating /trading something God ‘wants’ that you would not otherwise give Him, for something you want He would not … [Read more...]
323 Perfect Person
Yes, I know you know people aren't perfect. Well, except when they criticize you. Then they magically become Perfect. Otherwise you … [Read more...]
340 Pushups
Physical Pushups 'prepare' you for sports /physical activity. Mental Pushups prepare you for Situations. Mental = Solving … [Read more...]
355 Discarded Solutions
Your subconscious mind automatically looks at many solutions to find the correct one for a particular problem. OK, so? A … [Read more...]
379 No Regrets
Ever do anything you then regretted? So, why did you do it? Because you did not know you would regret it. Because you did not have … [Read more...]
431 ETI, An Advanced People
“There! Did you notice a glint of light coming from your left? “It’s just like the others said. “I’ll bet it’s aliens.” says the MBUTIS. (a … [Read more...]
432 ETI & Perspective
Little do we realize how much our Society is based on silent understandings and implications.This ‘test’ illustrates how much ETI needs to … [Read more...]
456 Magic Hand
So many people were surprised at how effective (#455) Magic List is. Here is another one just as effective... when you actually do … [Read more...]
492 You Know
At birth, what did you know? So how did you learn what you now know? And how do you know that you 'know' what you … [Read more...]
500 ETI & What we Do Know
Many take advantage of the ‘unknown’ aspect of Aliens (ETI) to claim various sightings, abductions, contact, etc. Which ones -- if any -- … [Read more...]