Do it

251 A Rough Diamond

What does a rough diamond look like?
Do you know?
I don’t.


A man sold his Homestead and wandered the world to return one day only to find fences protecting what was now a Diamond mine. He could not identify what a Rough Diamond looked like. So he sold his place for far less than it was worth to someone who could identify a potential diamond.


You are exactly like this..
You cannot identify the aspect of you that is a Rough diamond.
You look at yourself and see only ‘stone’.
Yet you may well be looking at a Rough Diamond.
You wouldn’t know.
Because you don’t know what a Rough Diamond looks like.


Scour you memory for which things seem unusually easy for you that others find hard.
There’s your Rough Diamond.
Work on it, polish it.


Now look for another one, and another…
These are related:
# 21 Interpretation51 Hindsight64 Natural Talents85 Babies99 Perfection!113 Success 116 Facade117 Gold Mine119 Gears142 Progression222 The Difference

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