Do it

142 Progression

Go as far as they are kicked.
All outer reaction, nothing internal.

Turn towards the sun.
Slow internal response to external.

A dog brings a ball and wags their tail.
You throw the ball, and it re-acts.
Initiates, but only to cause repetition. Re-action.

“Let us build our city here.”
All internal initiation regardless of external conditions.

So why say this?
Each progressive contains the previous in them.
Human also includes Animal, Plant and Mineral.
Most people stop at Animal behavior and rarely exercise their ‘human’-ness.
For you to re-create external conditions you then respond to, is ‘animal’. NOT human.


Staying at a job (or with someone) you don’t want, or has no future, is you re-creating conditions to which you then re-act.


When’s the last time you initiated from internal desire and not simply responded to external conditions, whether created by you or not.


Isn’t it time to progress?



These are related:

# 12 Change13 Changing Change14 Eliminating Triggers17 Impossible Decisions

18 Being Triggered24 The Wedge25 How Old Are You?27 Responses

29 Who’s in Charge?31 Being at-Cause37 Or Its Equivalent54 Self55 Oxygen

57 Helicopter59 Hesitation63 Free Will73 Killing Frogs134 Sand Bags & Bricks

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