When you shake someone’s hand, just who is shaking whose hand? And the simple answer is: you both are. Yet the person who initiates has the advantage. If someone asks you to ‘tell the truth’ and then you do, that’s not the same as if you initiate by telling the truth before they ask. The same goes for everything else. If I see you take action about something I have not yet asked you to do, I’m far more impressed than if you take action after I ask. In everyday things, which do you initiate and which do you follow someone else’s lead. This is an obvious (yet subtle!) way to show leadership. ————————– These are related: 11 Feedback – 13 Changing Change – 22 Attitude – 24 The Wedge – 31 Being at-Cause – 42 Leadership 43 Desire – 44 After – 59 Hesitation – 63 Free Will – 81 Second Impressions – 82 Limitations 85 Babies – 88 Will Power – 95 Ring/Knock
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