Do it

462 Sooner

If you are going to do it anyways, do it ‘sooner’.

Optimize the situation.


Paint it now and enjoy it longer.

Diet now and enjoy the results sooner


The way to increase your profit with whatever you do is to do it sooner.

Then if it’s a bad thing, it is gone sooner.

If it’s a good thing it is there sooner.


I always wanted to give that person a piece of my mind… Now that I’ve done it I feel better.

Oh, really? I did that last year and have been feeling better ever since.

Car tuneup?


Weight loss?

New clothes?


Considering the alternative, …that should be enough to get you doing it Sooner!


Doodles 24 & 32 are particularly helpful with this.


If you Read only one more: # 5 Decision

# 1 Ferris Wheel10 Progress It24 The Wedge32 Red Light, Green Light

59 Hesitation156 Hold It!178 Before & After196 Past, Present & Future