Do it

196 Past, Present & Future

I write this ‘now’ (Saturday May 22, 2010)

and you read it ‘now’… not Saturday May 22

I am your past and you are my future!


The Present was created in the Past.

Today ends at midnight.

The Present is when you actually do things.


You can:

* Regret the Past

* Mope around

* Take the day off


* Set seeds for your Future


Your Present is daily proof that your Past created your Future.


You are now in the Past’s Future,

and it’s the Present.


If Yesterday created Today

then Today IS creating Tomorrow.


Be Here, Now, and plant seeds T – O – D – A – Y

for a better Tomorrow.


Do just one thing and see how easily this works.



To reinforce this read any two below:

# 1 Ferris Wheel – 5 Decision – 24 The Wedge – 29 Who’s in Charge? – 32 Red Light, Green Light

37 Or Its Equivalent – 46 Always – 107 Iron

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