Do it

124 One Person

A man swallows three ping pong balls, each a different color.
He ‘recalls’ whatever color you ask for!
How does his stomach know which color is which?
What muscles does he use to recall them at will?


There are over 7,112,000,000 people on earth.
One of them is now doing … whatever you can think of!
With over 7 Billion people, one is bound to be doing something criminal, or heroic, or life threatening, or… well, whatever.
This has been going on for our entire history. It’s only in recent years that we can record and replay what’s happening.


Remember this when you hear news and form your opinions.
Or decide to fear /worry when you hear the latest thing is ‘taking over’ the world!
Is this only one action, one person, one group, one time? (See # 75 Same)
One person, after all, is now doing … whatever you can think of!



These are related:

# 18 Being Triggered22 Attitude27 Responses42 Leadership

62 Context70 Conclusions75 Same79 Truth Time

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