Do it

407 Tell-Tale Adjectives

This one is so very simple

yet extremely informative,

and well worth reading!


Just look for the adjectives.

They tell the tale:

* in ‘neutral’ news items on Radio, TV, Internet

* what people say about themselves and others.


“A horrible tragedy occurred again today…”

“Someone died.” is not as manipulating exciting.


“Global warming…”

“Current temperature variations” is boring.


Adjectives clearly show how you are being manipulated.

How they want you to think.


Simple, but very informative!



You only wish reading one Doodle did it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to

side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 286 Bias


21 Interpretation69 Labels154 Issues & Events162 Consider the Source

182 Grey194 F.E.A.R.217 Luxury /Waste273 Propaganda292 Denying

296 The 3rd Option313 Fact vs Opinion314 Almost341 Possible vs Probable

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