At what point in time, what, … S E C O N D do you decide things.
You call me ‘sir’ because I am older than you, okay.
But at what Second do I become a ‘sir’?
If a 5 year old meets a 15 year old does he call him ‘sir’?
At what Second did the Japanese, Germans, Russians, Iraqis, etc. become:
Our enemy? Our partner? Our competitor? Our ally?
There is only, “When you decide it’s that way.”
And it becomes that way, at that Second, and every subsequent Second, until you decide different.
Then, at that Second, things change again.
Ok, so?
How many more Seconds do you decide to keep that grudge? Stay mad?
Then, no matter what, one Second later everything changes.
Because you decide which Second that is.
Why not decide now, after all, it will take, …ahem, Just a Second.
It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,
which side-steps your filters.
If you Read only one more: # 174 Good /Bad Part 2
# 50 Limits – 73 Killing Frogs – 170 Micro Steps – 201 One by One
209 One Second or One Year – 223 One Hour – 287 One – 459 Just One