Do it

223 One Hour

There are 24 hours in a day. Everyday.


The % of time you devote to create your future = the % probability you’ll have that future.


One hour a day is a tremendous amount of time.


First eliminate the ‘constants’

8 hours sleep

2 hours eat/groom

2 hours travel

8 hours work


The 4 hours left are your variable.

So to invest just One Hour – not on ‘maintenance’ – a day,

represents 25% of your time, …creating your future!


What progress do you make when you do that elsewhere?

Computer games, hobby, etc. (Look at your ‘results’ You got there a bit at a time)


Now it’s time to invest One Hour in your future

The first 20 minutes or so, you settle in. (Stay with it!)

The next 20 minutes, you barely start to become effective

(Make those calls, Write that article/book, Brainstorm your invention, etc.)

Don’t stop! The last 20 minutes are usually the most productive.

It takes the first 40 minutes to make the last 20 minutes most effective.

Invest One Hour in your future.

Consider the alternative…



To reinforce this read any two below:

# 1 Ferris Wheel 3 Cumulative Knowledge 12 Change 16 Follow Up

24 The Wedge 32 Red Light, Green light 50 Limits 96 Habits

136 Beggars & Alcoholics 196 Past, Present & Future 201 One by One

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