Do it

135 Excuses

Everybody needs an excuse to change their mind.
To change your mind without one is to somehow be wrong in the first place.
And nobody wants to be seen that way. (That’s really why they argue!)


Sooo, all you have to do is give them an excuse:


It’s too far, I don’t want to go.
True, but I’ll do all the driving.


It’s too expensive.
True, however maintenance is far less, so it evens out.


It’s a boring movie.
True, but all our friends will be there so we can go out afterwards.

It’s very reasonable and OK for you to say no because you are not aware of ‘this’.
Let me explain…
Now that you know ‘this’ you have an excuse to change your mind.


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# 7 Disaster27 Responses37 Or Its Equivalent43 Desire52 Correct Decisions70 Conclusions

92 Strength105 Silent Additions108 Emotions118 Right!122 Real!123 Ignorance127 Not-Me

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