“The building is falling!”
Quick, what’s your reaction?
Assume the statement is true.
“The building is falling!”
What’s your reaction?
Most people say, “I’d get out.”
When someone speaks to us, we silently add to what they say and respond to that.
We do NOT respond only to what is being said.
We respond to what is being said AND what-we-add.
So: “The building is falling -and-I-am-in-it“ is what we respond to.
(The leaning Tower of Pizza was ‘falling’ for many, many years, yet people went into it!)
Whenever you need to communicate carefully /properly — in a sales or instruction situation –check and determine what they are adding to what you are saying. Then act accordingly.
We ALL add to what is being said.
Your job is to find out what is being added each time.
(By you as well as others!)
Become much more effective with customers, children, co-workers, etc.
Take the time to do this!
These are related:
# 18 Being Triggered – 27 Responses – 70 Conclusions – 84 The Communication Process – 110 Nothing
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