One mountain is ‘normal’ — the other is absolutely smooth.
You can’t climb an absolutely smooth mountain.
Yet you constantly look for less bumps /obstacles on your path.
You deliberately choose the less bumpy way.
Counter-intuitive-ly speaking (!) that’s why you don’t make as much progress as you wish.
Once Mount Everest was considered unclimbable.
Recently a 12 year old climbed it.
If you are happy with your progress, OK…
If not,
How does anyone climb an absolutely smooth mountain?
They don’t.
Which do people usually ‘advise’ you to climb?
These are related:
# 1 Ferris Wheel – 40 So What! – 82 Limitations – 114 Darts – 146 Always Right
159 Make a Mistake – 197 Obstacles, Your Key to Success – 231 Statement – 293 Life
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