Do it

19 Expectations

Just read this from a respected coach & wonder what you think? “Although high expectations do occasionally lead to high performance, as often as not they lead to a sense of failure when our results don’t live up to our fantasies. Yet hope – the belief in the possibility that tomorrow can be better than today – carries with it the energy and inspiration to make it so.” Well, it depends on what you consider relevant in your life. If you divide life into Success/Failure – Good/Bad – Right/Wrong, then it is valid. In fact, it seems to be a balanced statement that considers both sides of the equation: Uphill IS Downhill. Actually, I’ve learned so many things about myself (and others!) while improving my life, I wonder if the journey isn’t really the objective. I know so many people who won’t set goals for fear of being disappointed but they are happy to live in hope and believe that things will get better. Again, if your thinking is shaped such that the only reality is Win/Lose – Right/Wrong, then it is correct! So, do we set high expectations & work towards them & risk disappointment or is it better to live in hope? Does living in hope really provide enough energy & inspiration to make improvements? Do you see what’s happening because of the first premise! Now we ask questions BASED on that thinking. As you can see, these questions are self answering. Experience is a major criteria in the whole equation. Respected coaches should be taken with a grain of salt. Including me! ————————————————————————- You only wish reading one Doodle would do it! It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want. ————————————————————————- To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one 1 Ferris Wheel3 Cumulative Knowledge5 Decision7 Disaster21 Interpretation 22 Attitude28 Getting What I Want!29 Who’s in Charge?37 Or Its Equivalent 38 Carrier Wave41 Elephants44 After45 Problems46 Always49 Sharks 51 Hindsight57 Helicopter58 Needs59 Hesitation64 Natural Talents 66 Opposites74 Dictating Your Miracle83 Being Wrong85 Babies98 Third Time 100 Ransom Notes102 Response-ability103 Ring/Knock Part 2


  1. I love getting these every week and sharing what I learn from them with others. Thanks George for all you do!!

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