Do it

156 Hold it!

“Sorry, I guess I overreacted.”

(Familiar words?)

Of course you did. You held it in, and held it in, and held… etc.

Why? Because you didn’t want to make an Issue out of just an Event. (See: # 154)

So then why did you?


Because it was not ‘just’ an Event.


Here is the formula:

* For as long as you feel that you have to hold-it-in then ‘it’ is something that does bother /annoy you.

* If it happens just once or twice let it go, if you can.

* If you can’t, then the next /third time the same thing happens, don’t hold it in.

Let it out.

Then and there.

There’s never a ‘good’ time to do so.

Holding it in until it becomes so intolerable it spills out anyways is not profitable.

By then it’s way too large! It grew only in your mind, not in others. They were not adding up these Events.

You were.

So avoid everyone’s opinion that you are overreacting.


Have it out before it gets even bigger.

Take the time.

Make the time.

And with less pressure behind it, because you acted so soon, you can let it out in a much more acceptable (to others and yourself!) way.


These are related:

# 5 Decision – 7 Disaster – 14 Eliminating Triggers – 18 Being Triggered – 71 Nice

75 Same – 95 Ring/Knock – 132 Taking it Personally

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