As a consultant I deal with people.
In one particular company we gather in their boardroom and start with a verbal report from each department.
Warehouse says all is well, and maybe they can possibly tighten up just a bit more than they already have.
Same with Administration. Basically all is Ok, with maybe a tweak or two possible here and there.
The same for the entire company.
I promptly recommend they close, as their problems are external. And there’s nothing you can do about ‘others’.
If the problems were inside the company, you could stay open, find and change them.
Suddenly they all have different things to say.
What kind of situation do you prefer when things don’t go the way you like?
Most people avoid ‘responsibility’ yet the very word is created to mean exactly what it says:
Response-Ability. The ability to respond.
You do have an ability to respond when you are the reason that things are the way they are.
Look to see (and hope!) that it’s because of you things are not going as you wish.
After all, you can always change you.
These are related:
7 Disaster –17 Impossible Decisions – 22 Attitude – 27 Responses – 29 Who’s in Charge?
31 Being at-Cause – 33 Solving a 5 – 52 Correct Decisions – 57 Helicopter – 60 Patterns
68 Concentration – 74 Dictating Your Miracle – 75 Same – 98 Third Time – 102 Response-ability
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