Do it

180 Reverse It

You rarely physically touch any other human being.

Maybe a hand shake.


So just how do you go about influencing each other?

Verbally and Mentally.


Someone says something and you Mentally confirm it.

“You should lose some weight then you’ll feel better about yourself.”

And you silently (Mentally) agree.


You give away your power when you reverse reality like this.

How much more power you have if you just reverse it back to reality.

Reality is

“I will lose weight when I feel better about myself.”


“My job would be much better if that person stopped bothering me”


“When I don’t let that person bother me anymore my job will be much better.”


What keeps you from getting what you want?

What prevents you from having more money?


Listen to your answer, and then reverse it.



These are related:

# 7 Disaster 14 Eliminating Triggers 18 Being Triggered 22 Attitude

28 Getting What I Want! 42 Leadership 52 Correct Decisions 66 Opposites

90 Good/Bad 92 Strength 116 Facade 120 Give & Take 121 Carrot & Stick

127 Not-Me 159 Make a Mistake 172 Sky or Steel?

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