Do it

143 Progress

We typically act ‘human‘ less than 1% of the time.
It’s rare to ignore the feedback of everyday life and
take action regardless of that feedback, or that ‘reality‘ if you prefer.
Yet here are three different people in different countries who did exactly that.
1. For 15 years she actively avoided the owner of her company.
When he created a new company she said she wanted to now work with him. (Human)
He immediately appointed her President of American Operations.
2. Two partners had a large company as client.
One partner, unhappy with the other’s ethics, dissolved the partnership.
With no idea of what he’d do next. (Human)
After advising the client, they said they didn’t care so long as he did the job.
3. A person closes his business with no thing else in mind. (Human)
Takes a delivery job. While delivering, helps a client solve a problem.
The client’s General Manager (a 6 store chain!) sees him do this and immediately hires him as Assistant Manager.


Have you ever ignored ‘reality’ and just took action, or made a decision?
Then you know how rare that is.
Yet I’ll bet that was one of the more profound events /changes in your life.


You must choose to make a decision based on an internal need /desire regardless of external circumstances.
(Including because you read this!)
That’s human, and that’s Progress.



These are related:

# 5 Decision – 12 Change13 Changing Change – 17 Impossible Decisions

18 Being Triggered24 The Wedge – 27 Responses29 Who’s in Charge?

31 Being at-Cause37 Or Its Equivalent54 Self – 59 Hesitation63 Free Will

73 Killing Frogs – 79 Truth Time106 Plan B – 134 Sand Bags & Bricks

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