Do it

493 A Perfect Day

First, a Perfect day checklist. Do you normally:


* Talk /yell /whisper /think to yourself out loud. (# 464)

* Forget your manners (Eat from the jar, pick your nose, etc.)

* Dress anyway you want (…or nothing!)

* Do whatever you were not allowed to do as a kid. (# 94)

* Sing out loud. Really, really loud!

* Pass wind, burp, beltch, etc.


These ignore ‘society’ and its unwritten rules.

Yet, they are so ingrained, they are incorporated in your Self Image.

 I could never see myself doing …

Who is harmed when you do do this.

No one? Then why not do it.

Ingrained, see?


Ok, so?

These help create A Perfect Day:


– Deliberately make a big mess, then deliberately and slowly sort it out. (This is similar to meditation.)

– When you see someone, anyone, stooped: Pull your shoulders back and realign yourself. (# 458)

– Make time to take a 15 Minute BRISK walk. (Or do whatever significantly boosts your pulse rate for just a few minutes.)

– Schedule two breaks each day for yourself… to do nothing, or something personal, or… well, you get the idea. (# 452)

– Review those notes-to-yourself you put all over the place about what you want to achieve. Oh, you don’t have any? Ok, then use your scheduled breaks to write them, then place those notes literally everywhere. And then use some of the schedule time to read them. (# 170)

– Say NO (or YES) more often than you did yesterday. (# 290)


It’s the cumulative of these that makes the difference.


Spoiler Alert: Doing this will change /improve you!



It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


If you Read only one more: # 23 Become More Creative


1 Ferris Wheel2 Normal Luck6 Feed Yourself10 Progress It24 The Wedge

72 Technique73 Killing Frogs223 One Hour284 Out of Sight…302 Party Time

423 Meet the ‘New’ You437 Push-ups, Right Now –  450 Use it or Lose it