I once hired a person with a good reputation as a really effective 'trainer'. She basically had one message: Do not stop at whatever is … [Read more...]
14 Eliminating Triggers
Some memories are of experiences still painful to remember. A past embarrassment, a fear, a jealousy, being put down in public, … [Read more...]
18 Being Triggered
"He makes me nervous," said the Salesman, entering the boss's office. "Hmmm," said the secretary, "He doesn't make me nervous." Meanwhile … [Read more...]
21 Interpretation
My best friend and I started many crazy businesses when we were teenagers. However, when ordering a lot of Italian ice cream, make sure you … [Read more...]
23 Become More Creative
Keeping It Super Simple, the mind/brain operates on patterns and repetition. To become more creative simply change your 'routines'. No, … [Read more...]
26 Discounting Self
Consider yourself to be like a cash register. When you do something good you enter a 'credit' into the register. When you do something … [Read more...]
28 Getting What I Want!
Of course there's something good about wanting things! Also about believing that, by wanting things, you set into motion getting … [Read more...]
39 Increasing Intuition
The common belief is men have Reason and women Intuition. Yet everyone has some sort of Intuition. So how does one go about ‘exercising' … [Read more...]
46 Always
Whenever something ‘always' happens to you, relax. It means you are completely in charge of that situation. Always late? Hmmm, let's see … [Read more...]
47 Gold Stamps
You've heard of collecting Air Miles /points using credit cards. I propose you start to collect Gold Stamps. You cash Air … [Read more...]
54 Self
Normally you first THINK you are something. Anything. Then you act on that. Which then gives you some input that you are. You simply … [Read more...]
57 Helicopter
First we blindfold you. Then put you in a Helicopter and fly around for a couple of hours. We land, undo your blindfold, give you a map … [Read more...]
64 Natural Talents
Natural Talent is automatic and invisible. "Honey, where are my keys?" He says, knowing she automatically knows where they are. And she … [Read more...]
76 Increasing Awareness
It's not polite to stare. Especially at people who feel deep emotion (sadness, hurt etc). Yet we form our understanding of others in great … [Read more...]
90 Good/Bad
It's impossible to understand something without also automatically understanding its opposite. Can you build stairs just going … [Read more...]
94 Increasing Vitality
Vitality comes from desire. Desire creates energy dedicated to achieve only that desire. Charlie comes home dead tired. Drops into … [Read more...]
103 Ring/Knock (part 2)
Everything is automatically recorded in your brain /mind. Everything! Think of a time when you fell or hurt yourself. (Play the game = … [Read more...]
116 Façade
The greater the façade you construct, the greater you obviously are. Take a good strong look at all your abilities as proven by the very … [Read more...]
121 Carrot & Stick
No good trainer ‘trains’ using a stick. Not one. Behavior that’s rewarded is repeated. So how do you train yourself? Do you chastise … [Read more...]
125 A Clumsy Self Image
I'm clumsy. I'm 'always' making mistakes. I'm etc. etc. etc. OK let's take clumsy. First do you spill things every single … [Read more...]
127 Not-Me
If you don't admit, accept and address the real cause you won't solve it. Sounds simple. And it is! So why do we constantly repeat the … [Read more...]
174 Good /Bad Part 2
GOOD l---------------------------------l BAD Let us say the far left of the line is ABSOLUTE Good. 100% And far right is … [Read more...]
186 Start, Stop, Continue
This is a really simple one. But very effective! Unless you dismiss it without trying it. Right now in your … [Read more...]
189 Twin
Consultants are effective. They come into a company, look around, then give advice that works. We don't take that advice because we … [Read more...]
196 Past, Present & Future
I write this 'now' (Saturday May 22, 2010) and you read it 'now'... not Saturday May 22 I am your past and you are my … [Read more...]
208 Perfect Instructions
The Perfect Instructions are your emotions. Good feeling = do more. Bad feeling = stop. That's it. Everything else is … [Read more...]
231 Statement
A statement is a close-ended thing. "I can't do this." A question is open-ended. 'Why can't I do this?' "I … [Read more...]
245 Go Fishing
The mind can, and does, clear itself up. Think of something you were afraid of, when you were a child. (Spiders, snakes, the … [Read more...]
250 The Impossible Self-Image
You cannot build a hill that has only one direction. You may want it to go only 'up'. Fine, but it does go both ways. To take … [Read more...]
290 Seeds
It's pretty obvious that what you sow - so do you also reap. Water the ground that has tomato seeds in it and you get... Tomatoes, of … [Read more...]
296 The 3rd Option
Which is better: 1 Dependent or 2 Independent? How about 3 Inter-dependent You don't have to be 1 because you … [Read more...]
297 Circles & Spirals
You might think you are going around in circles. Which proves you're in a spiral. If you really were in a circle you would not … [Read more...]
302 Party Time
How hard we work planning a Party! And really pay attention to every detail. Almost cold and calculated. Yet we have fun … [Read more...]
303 Brutus
Did you ever have an imaginary dog your parents said would keep you safe. And it would either lie on your bed or under it. It /you … [Read more...]
311 Telling Lies
Yes, of course I lie. So do you. In fact, I bet everyone lies in every country. "Am I fat?" "Am I … [Read more...]
315 Fifteen Years
Imagine how you were... fifteen years ago. As compared to now. (Play the game = get the results) Things sure have changed … [Read more...]
321 Quality
Make a decision about Quality vs Quantity. Obvious: A large steak that's medium in taste or a smaller one, excellent in … [Read more...]
331 Most Referred To
These are rated the widest /broadest impact on... YOU Most of you joined this group after these were written. Take time … [Read more...]
334 Water in Car
I came home to see my (young!) sons washing my wife's car. With the windows down. Yep, LOTS of water in the … [Read more...]
338 Me First
If I put myself down before you do, you won't /can't put me down. I point out my flaws before you do, so I am 'safe'. I deride myself … [Read more...]
345 Life is…
One of my largest changes happened when I decided that Life is somehow designed to be a series of Lessons. Others already know … [Read more...]
348 Volume Control
Doing something you don't want to do? Can't stop? Then don't stop. Stop trying the on/off 'switch', it obviously doesn't … [Read more...]
352 Expectations (Part 2)
People just out of a bad relationship look carefully at each new date for signs of what happened with them. That makes no one Of xtreme a … [Read more...]
354 Results
When you run a Sprint you better not make any mistakes. Even one tenth of a second off and you might well lose. Many believe life is a … [Read more...]
355 Discarded Solutions
Your subconscious mind automatically looks at many solutions to find the correct one for a particular problem. OK, so? A … [Read more...]
357 Recipes
Do you always use the same 'recipe' no matter what you do? The fact this particular recipe works well in one situation does not make it work … [Read more...]
360 Category
Which movie to see? Which book to read next? These give variety. However they are simply variations of the same decision you made … [Read more...]
362 Physical
As You Think... So You Become is the rest. How many times have you heard this in your life? Ok, so? Well, I got it … [Read more...]
364 Seven Years
My 7th year doing Doodles! Here's 10 Random Thoughts. (Just to be different.) 1. You change at 7 year intervals. Think … [Read more...]
365 Kitchen Table
I learned more around our kitchen table than probably anywhere else. I memorized more data in "school" of course. But it's … [Read more...]
369 Sunset
Many laws still in force today were written over 100 years ago. (Automobiles must pull over if meeting a horse and cart on a road, etc.) … [Read more...]
370 Friend AND Foe
How to make a Friend a Foe and/or vice versa. Simple. 1. Choose something you really, really want to accomplish. Lose … [Read more...]
371 Chickens & a Compass
Every time you are successful with anything... raising a child, starting a business, etc. You have applied this type of … [Read more...]
373 Rear View
All cars have them. And they are much smaller than the front window. Ok, so? How fast can you go forward if you continuously … [Read more...]
374 100 Years
Subtract your age from 100 years. (play the game!) That's how long you have left to live. The rate of medical discovery / improvements … [Read more...]
379 No Regrets
Ever do anything you then regretted? So, why did you do it? Because you did not know you would regret it. Because you did not have … [Read more...]
380 No Change
How to Change, Without Changing: 1. Worry about an Unsolvable-by-you situation. 2. Change your mind to stop worrying … [Read more...]
381 You Like?
What do these people have in common: Abraham Lincoln Andrew Carnegie George Eastman (Kodak) Marshall Field Henry Ford … [Read more...]
389 Move the Triangle
Look at the diagram. Note: Stimulus is always the same. However Response depends 100% on where the Triangle is. The more 'left' the … [Read more...]
390 Input Time
Once you were a very small person. A Baby. Possibly a cat wanted to 'play' with you. To you then, that was a large cat! That's when you … [Read more...]
391 Smoke & Pray
If you Smoke while you Pray You are a despicable, insensitive, non-respectful person! However If you Pray while you Smoke you are a … [Read more...]
393 Endless
A child observes their parents are warm and loving, after an argument. And learns to create an argument, ...to get love and … [Read more...]
396 Disappearing Act
If you win the Lottery, Yesterday disappears. If he/she finally says yes, Yesterday disappears. These are exterior … [Read more...]
397 Nothing to Nothing
You enter the Theater and go up to the balcony. It's dark. No one is there. Soon a watchman enters and turns on some lights. Then … [Read more...]
401 Silent Partner
Marriage occurs once or twice, in a lifetime. And, if you really think about it, you met him/her just like you meet everyone. Your … [Read more...]
403 Two-Day Sets
Tomorrow is not all that far away. We can easily 'see' what tomorrow brings. Want to call someone but afraid of bad news. Wait until … [Read more...]
404 “It”
When you identify some thing /idea someone says, as being 'it' ...how do you know that? Yet, down deep, you know 'it' is the right thing / … [Read more...]
405 Become Unsane
Between sane and insane is unsane - the world of the possible. You currently only believe in predictable possibilities. Yet one of … [Read more...]
406 Desperation
There are two main conditions under which we learn: Inspiration and Desperation. Desperation, we try to avoid if possible. So we … [Read more...]
408 You don’t say!
* Don’t judge yourself by your past. You don’t live there anymore.... right? # 14 Eliminating Triggers … [Read more...]
410 Just Imagine
Your mind uses two inputs. One - your senses - is your 'outer' input: Your eyes are the cameras. Your ears the microphones, etc. All … [Read more...]
413 Self Defense
The person 'attacking' always considers attacking appropriate. So ignore that person (!) What causes you to decide to defend … [Read more...]
414 Masters & Gurus
A Master is not a Hero. A hero is a one shot deal /action A Master is forever that way in all things. Is a Master someone who … [Read more...]
416 Eight Years
My 8th year doing Doodles! Here's 8 Random Thoughts. 1. My personal favorite Doodle is still 37 Or Its … [Read more...]
418 A Hundred Million
By now you likely know that Robin Williams committed suicide. Not died. Committed suicide. OK, so? Well over 100,000,000 people … [Read more...]
421 3D …Thinking
To see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. In the real world your eyes are spaced apart so each eye has a different … [Read more...]
423 Meet the ‘New’ You
Think of yourself as you were, around 10 years old.What did you look like?Now think of yourself today.What do you look like ‘now’?Your body … [Read more...]
427 How to Win
Pick a number between 1 and 10...9Isn't it interesting people tend to answer only in proscribed parameters. Knowing that, now pick a number … [Read more...]
429 Chicken & Egg
Let's say the egg came first.What if you did absolutely nothing to help the egg.Would it still hatch?Of course not. OK, so?How many … [Read more...]
435 Transparent
You never think about /mention the color yellow.Why not?Because yellow is truly transparent to you. How much money do you want? How … [Read more...]
437 Push-ups, Right Now
You cannot win (or lose!) a race simply by doing Push-ups.Therefore you relax while doing them. (Stress is, well, ...stressful!) Ok, … [Read more...]
438 Gold & Not-Gold
There is no such thing as impure gold. It’s either Gold or it isn’t.You decide what is Gold to you. “I just spent an hour putting on my … [Read more...]
439 An Impossible Future
100 years ago, our current reality would be considered Impossible:To travel at these speeds, go these distances, communicate with these … [Read more...]
440 Reverse Sense
Would you say to a three year old: Please play with the stove. And while you are at it, stick your fingers in the electric socket. … [Read more...]
441 Some Never Lies
The entire world is based on Lies.Most of the time we don't care because it does not affect us personally. Ok, so?What to do when it … [Read more...]
442 Candy Factory
Life is a Candy Factory, if you would only allow it.What do they do when you first start to work in a candy factory.Why, encourage you to … [Read more...]
443 Read a Book
A most unusual thing you do in life is, ... read a book!Think about it. Once written, a book never changes. It’s essentially a series of … [Read more...]
444 Another View
I probably learn more through Another View than by any other way.Seeing from different points-of-view is an extremely enlightening … [Read more...]
446 That’s Life!
Face it, you are living a good life.Yet was not taught to you that way. It was not meant to be this good, was it! When you compare what … [Read more...]
448 Eliminate Unwanted Emotion
Emotion is there to focus attention. The more negative the emotion, the narrower your focus. The happier the emotion is, the broader your … [Read more...]
450 Use it or Lose it
* Your brain has over 200 billion neurons.Side by side that’s 60,000 miles (95,000km)* It also has over 500 Trillion synapses with125 … [Read more...]
452 Pamper Yourself
When was the last time you pampered yourself? And what did you do?Do you pamper yourself because it feels good or because there is a reason … [Read more...]
457 Let’s Get Physical
This Doodle comes with a guarantee: If you do not improve you get to stay where you are, guaranteed! # 36 Prime Time Here is … [Read more...]
458 Two Minutes
You smile as a reflex... after being happy, not before. You frown, after feeling frustrated. First you are anxious, then you tense … [Read more...]
459 Just One
Have trouble getting what you want? - Want to Exercise? - Write a book? - Slim down? While I was intending to write my … [Read more...]
461 Sum Total
People trigger each other with things that, when taken separately, are quite irrelevant. Each person ADDS what happens to their … [Read more...]
463 Mirror, Mirror…
The whole saying is: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all? OK, so? This is a 30 second exercise … [Read more...]
467 Physically Speaking
Feel emotionally upset? Where is it on your Physical self? Throat, chest, stomach, ...? Take a moment, and let it breathe, let it … [Read more...]
469 Right & Wrong
How tremendously 'old fashion' to think that there is still such a thing as a Mistake. Oh, sure, we get things wrong once in a … [Read more...]
470 Then It’s Real
We all understand how we 'should' program our self. So, why doesn't it always work? Because it's not real. That's NOT … [Read more...]
472 One More
Let's say you see 5 ways to do something. Add One More. How many ways to climb a ladder? Climb on the Outside, Left side, Right side, … [Read more...]
478 What Do You Think?
"This is a movie so poorly written that it must resort to narration and worse (shudder), video blogging, as a way to hold its shambling, … [Read more...]
480 Why Not!
Why not seize every opportunity to take pleasure? When you pass by candies, why not pop one in your mouth? Why not seize every single … [Read more...]
482 Projectors
My wife and I rarely agree on anything. (Even after 48 years!) When we agree on something it's usually because it can withstand our … [Read more...]
483 Celebrations
I have to celebrate I need to celebrate I get to celebrate Which one causes you the most pleasure? I would eliminate … [Read more...]
490 Allowance
You Allow things. You buy fattening foods so you can... exercise your self control? Otherwise why buy them in the first … [Read more...]
493 A Perfect Day
First, a Perfect day checklist. Do you normally: * Talk /yell /whisper /think to yourself out loud. (# 464) * Forget your … [Read more...]
498 Divergence
At birth you are the same as everyone else. As time goes by you start to add variables, by accident or by choice. At one point you … [Read more...]